(Real & Otherwise)
by Autumn Swiers
Freelance writer specializing in creative fiction, grant proposal writing, editing, communicative marketing, and archiving.
Works in Progress (and Progress, and Progress...)
Panty Raid: Poems and Narratives
July 2021
Panty Raid is the debut poetry collection by writer and artist Autumn Swiers. The book spans the author's life from ages sixteen to twenty - which, incidentally, are the ages during which she penned most of the content. The poems in this collection explore the phases of the human experience that accompany turning into an adult: queer awakening, romantic idealism, unabashed narcissism, subsequent ego-death, and waking up to the hot breath of existentialism. What does it all mean! What is it for! Here comes the sound of confusion. It is visceral as a band-aid and cruel as a kiss on the forehead. Come along for the ride. You can even have my ticket.
Adolescence as a Sensory Experiment, The Mill Journal
May 2021
Kids turn into teenagers who turn into adults and it never gets any easier. What a drag, yeah? But it doesn't feel quite so structured along the way. We experience daily life as a collection of moments - staccato images and flavors and feelings. This poem offers a few of these primal stimuli as markers of the passage through time.
“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity”